My Creative Confidant
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Last March my brother and co-owner of Minnesota Joe’s, Jeff Austin, had his tired tiger tattoo covered up with a gorgeous white tiger at Autonomy Tattoo & body piercing. It’s easier not to focus on the pain of getting a tattoo when someone is with you, I think, personally. So, I asked Jeff if I could tag along. While Brian Grover was using his mad tattoo gun skills we got to talking about the then just established Great Soap Company. We had started producing our soap and were building an inventory but had not thought of a logo for our company. Brian suggested I find inspiration from some pages of an old book of script lettering and he allowed me to bring the pages home. The gifted artist Mr. Grover was correct and I came up with a sketch which got two thumbs up from Jon and Zoe. We were jazzed to have a company logo that we all loved. We knew we had a great idea and I knew exactly who could execute it perfectly. Geek artist, Lori Reynolds has been my friend for over 30 years and I knew that Lori could work her Mac magic to create the perfect logo for The Great Soap Company. Lori didn’t stop there, she created beautiful graphics for our web site, business cards and our fabulous soap labels. Affectionately referred to as Long Haired Lori by the Janet family (as not to be confused with Short Haired Lori) this GSC founder has gone above and beyond to help the Great Soap Company. I am so grateful that Lori is still such an important part of my life after all these years. I admire Lori’s confidence, she has never seemed afraid to be her wonderful unique self. This creative, positive, strong, independent woman has been an excellent example for my daughters and I am so proud to be her friend. Thank you for all your help with The Great Soap Company and thank you for adding so much value to all of our lives. We love you Long Haired Lori!